1. Introductory Letter
2. I remember the sound
3. I remember the colour/smell
4. Reflection on writing #2 and #3
5. Multi-Sensory Clustering: Setting
6. First draft of Setting piece
7. Writing Workshop, Sept. 18
8. Self-Evaluation form, Sept. 18
9. Colour Poem
10. Love Poem -- 15 lines
11. Monosyllabic piece -- 1 1/2 pgs s.spaced
12. Writing Workshop, Sept. 25
13. Self-Evaluation form, Sept. 25
14. Prose-to-Poem
15. Post Prose to Poem on the blog by the deadline--beginning of class, Sept. 30
16. List Poem (10 things you love) embellished according to seven criteria
17. Second "List" poem modeled after "You Bring Out the..", "13 Ways...", or another variation.
18. Writing Workshop, Oct. 6
19. Self-Evaluation form, Oct. 6
20. Extended Metaphor poem
21. Imagist poem posted on the blog
22. Writing Workshop, Oct. 14
23. Self-Evaluation form, Oct. 14
24. Pantoum poem OR e.e. cummings style poem