50 Shades of Graphite -- the 2015 Sardis Secondary Writing 12 Blog

50 Shades of Graphite -- the 2015 Sardis Secondary Writing 12 Blog

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Bonus Post: REVIEW of Behind the Curtain open-mic event

Behind the Curtain, Dec. 10th

Write a short review (200-300 words) of the Spoken Word Poetry club's lunch hour open-mic event.  Unlike a typical review, however, you are asked to highlight only the positives of the performing poets.

Post your review (with name) on the class blog prior to the beginning of class on Monday, Dec. 14th.

*This blog post is worth bonus marks for Skill-Building

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Postcard Fiction 

"Very short fiction pieces that wish they were poems."

Write a piece of postcard fiction no longer than 300 words, combining basic short story elements with the figurative imagery, intensity, and economy of poetry.

Post it in the comments box below BEFORE the start of Monday's class, Nov. 2nd. (Late posts will not be counted as complete.)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Term 2 Skillbuilding

1. Haiku response to Louder Than a Bomb posted on blog by Monday, October 26, 11:45 am

2. Spoken Word poem ready for Writing Workshop, Oct. 29th

3. Spoken Word, self-edited draft (#1. of Workshop)

4. "Listening" set of editing feedback on Spoken Word (Oct. 29th)

5. "Page" set of editing feedback on Spoken Word (Oct. 29th & 30th)

6. Postcard Fiction posted on the blog by Monday, Nov. 2nd

7. & 8. Make two separate comments on two different Postcard Fiction posts

9. Constraints of Setting, Atmosphere, and Character 

10. Writing Workshop, Nov. 5th

11. Self-Evaluation Form, Nov. 5th

12. Claremont Workshop

13. Claremont submission X 3

14. Revealing Character - outer characteristics

15. Character Takeover -- inner and outer characteristics

16. Questions about Outer to Inner assignment

17. Writing Workshop, Nov. 26

18. Self-Evaluation form, Nov. 26

19. Gestures character description

20. Writing Workshop, Dec. 7

21. Self Evaluation form, Dec. 7

22. Writing Workshop Dec. 11

23. Self Evaluation form, Dec. 11

24. Experimenting with Audience #1

25. Experimenting with Audience #2

26. BONUS: 200 wd. Review of "Behind the Curtain" show, posted on blog for December 14th class.

27. Subtext analysis

28. Subtext dialogue for Writing Workshop, Dec. 17

29. Editing Questions on Subtext DIalogues -- hand in your best one

30. Voices Visible Submission X 3

31. Voices Visible Workshop, 

32. Short Story due, Jan. 13th

33. Short Story Author Self-Feedback

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Louder Than a Bomb

To (almost) conclude our Skill-Building unit on poetry, please write an original haiku that expresses your response to the documentary Louder than a Bomb. Post your haiku in the comments section of this post.  

Remember: a traditional haiku has a 5/7/5 syllable format and consists of three lines.

Your haiku needs to be posted for the beginning of Monday's class, October 26th.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Imagist Poems -- Add them here!

"The written word should be clean as bone [or marble]."

Add your imagist poem in the comments box below following the principles laid out by the Imagist movement and the guidelines given in class:

    - a free verse poem 

    - contains between two and twelve lines 

    - your poem delivers a single, concrete image without excess of language

"The written word should be clean as bone."

Monday, September 28, 2015

Prose-to-Poem Assignment
Find an existing piece of prose that you've written--a journal entry, a quickwrite, a section of a short story, a paragraph of an essay, a letter, your atmospheric description of a setting, or something else--and re-format it with a sense of line.  Create line breaks to add pacing, drama, emphasis, suspense, or new associations. 

Two rules:  

1. You're not allowed to add anything new.  What was there originally is all you've got to work with.

2. You may cut as much of the original as you want.

Lastly:  Post your new creation, your Prose-turned-Poem, in the "Comments" box of this post by Wednesday, Sept. 30th.  Be sure to attach your name to the post itself.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Skill-Building Assignments (Part 1 of your WIP File)

1. Introductory Letter
2. I remember the sound
3. I remember the colour/smell
4. Reflection on writing #2 and #3
5. Multi-Sensory Clustering: Setting
6. First draft of Setting piece
7. Writing Workshop, Sept. 18
8. Self-Evaluation form, Sept. 18
9. Colour Poem
10. Love Poem -- 15 lines
11. Monosyllabic piece -- 1 1/2 pgs s.spaced
12. Writing Workshop, Sept. 25
13. Self-Evaluation form, Sept. 25
14. Prose-to-Poem
15. Post Prose to Poem on the blog by the deadline--beginning of class, Sept. 30
16. List Poem (10 things you love) embellished according to seven criteria
17. Second "List" poem modeled after "You Bring Out the..", "13 Ways...", or another variation.
18. Writing Workshop, Oct. 6
19. Self-Evaluation form, Oct. 6
20. Extended Metaphor poem
21. Imagist poem posted on the blog
22. Writing Workshop, Oct. 14
23. Self-Evaluation form, Oct. 14
24. Pantoum poem OR e.e. cummings style poem

Open and Ready for Business

Our newly-christened Writing 12 Blog "50 Shades of Graphite" and its blank pages await the magic touch of this semester's creative writing students (2015)!  Prepare to be alternately startled, captivated, inspired, transported, lulled, chilled, and awakened by words and ideas worth paying attention to!