Term 2 Skillbuilding
1. Haiku response to Louder Than a Bomb posted on blog by Monday, October 26, 11:45 am
2. Spoken Word poem ready for Writing Workshop, Oct. 29th
3. Spoken Word, self-edited draft (#1. of Workshop)
4. "Listening" set of editing feedback on Spoken Word (Oct. 29th)
5. "Page" set of editing feedback on Spoken Word (Oct. 29th & 30th)
6. Postcard Fiction posted on the blog by Monday, Nov. 2nd
7. & 8. Make two separate comments on two different Postcard Fiction posts
9. Constraints of Setting, Atmosphere, and Character
10. Writing Workshop, Nov. 5th
11. Self-Evaluation Form, Nov. 5th
12. Claremont Workshop
13. Claremont submission X 3
14. Revealing Character - outer characteristics
15. Character Takeover -- inner and outer characteristics
16. Questions about Outer to Inner assignment
17. Writing Workshop, Nov. 26
18. Self-Evaluation form, Nov. 26
19. Gestures character description
20. Writing Workshop, Dec. 7
21. Self Evaluation form, Dec. 7
22. Writing Workshop Dec. 11
23. Self Evaluation form, Dec. 11
24. Experimenting with Audience #1
25. Experimenting with Audience #2
26. BONUS: 200 wd. Review of "Behind the Curtain" show, posted on blog for December 14th class.
27. Subtext analysis
28. Subtext dialogue for Writing Workshop, Dec. 17
29. Editing Questions on Subtext DIalogues -- hand in your best one
30. Voices Visible Submission X 3
31. Voices Visible Workshop,
32. Short Story due, Jan. 13th
33. Short Story Author Self-Feedback